, frequency_array, number_of_response_curves, starting_index=0, correction_type=None)[source]

Function to read the hdf5 files from the calibration group containing the physical calibration response curves.

filename: str

Location of the HDF5 file that contains the curves

frequency_array: array-like

The frequency values to calculate the calibration response curves at

number_of_response_curves: int

Number of random draws to use from the calibration file

starting_index: int

Index of the first curve to use within the array. This allows for segmenting the calibration curve array into smaller pieces.

correction_type: str

How the correction is defined, either to the data (default) or the template. In general, data products produced by the LVK calibration groups assume data. The default value will be removed in a future release and this will need to be explicitly specified.

Added in version 1.4.0.

calibration_draws: array-like

Array which contains the calibration responses as a function of the frequency array specified. Shape is (number_of_response_curves x len(frequency_array))