- class bilby.bilby_mcmc.sampler.Bilby_MCMC(likelihood, priors, outdir='outdir', label='label', use_ratio=False, skip_import_verification=True, check_point_plot=True, diagnostic=False, resume=True, exit_code=130, verbose=True, normalize_prior=True, **kwargs)[source]
The built-in Bilby MCMC sampler
- Parameters:
- likelihood: likelihood.Likelihood
A object with a log_l method
- priors: bilby.core.prior.PriorDict, dict
Priors to be used in the search. This has attributes for each parameter to be sampled.
- outdir: str, optional
Name of the output directory
- label: str, optional
Naming scheme of the output files
- use_ratio: bool, optional
Switch to set whether or not you want to use the log-likelihood ratio or just the log-likelihood
- skip_import_verification: bool
Skips the check if the sampler is installed if true. This is only advisable for testing environments
- check_point_plot: bool
If true, create plots at the check point
- check_point_delta_t: float
The time in seconds afterwhich to checkpoint (defaults to 30 minutes)
- diagnostic: bool
If true, create deep-diagnostic plots used for checking convergence problems.
- resume: bool
If true, resume from any existing check point files
- exit_code: int
The code on which to raise if exiting
- nsamples: int (1000)
The number of samples to draw
- nensemble: int (1)
The number of ensemble-chains to run (with periodic communication)
- pt_ensemble: bool (False)
If true, each run a parallel-tempered set of chains for each ensemble-chain (in which case the total number of chains is nensemble * ntemps). Else, only the zero-ensemble chain is run with a parallel-tempering (in which case the total number of chains is nensemble + ntemps - 1).
- ntemps: int (1)
The number of parallel-tempered chains to run
- Tmax: float, (None)
If given, the maximum temperature to set the initial temperate-ladder
- Tmax_from_SNR: float (20)
(Alternative to Tmax): The SNR to estimate an appropriate Tmax from.
- initial_betas: list (None)
(Alternative to Tmax and Tmax_from_SNR): If given, an initial choice of the inverse temperature ladder.
- pt_rejection_sample: bool (False)
If true, use rejection sampling to draw samples from the pt-chains.
- adapt, adapt_t0, adapt_nu: bool, float, float (True, 100, 10)
Whether to use adaptation and the adaptation parameters. See arXiv:1501.05823 for a description of adapt_t0 and adapt_nu.
- burn_in_nact, thin_by_nact, fixed_discard: float, float, float (10, 1, 0)
The number of auto-correlation times to discard for burn-in and to thin by. The fixed_discard is the number of steps discarded before automatic autocorrelation time analysis begins.
- autocorr_c: float (5)
The step-size for the window search. See emcee.autocorr.integrated_time for additional details.
- L1steps: int
The number of internal steps to take. Improves the scaling performance of multiprocessing. Note, all ACTs are calculated based on the saved steps. So, the total ACT (or number of steps) is L1steps * tau (or L1steps * position).
- L2steps: int
The number of steps to take before swapping between parallel-tempered and ensemble chains.
- npool: int
The number of multiprocessing cores to use. For efficiency, this must be matched to an integer number of the total number of chains.
- printdt: float
Print an update on the progress every printdt s. Note, each print requires an evaluation of the ACT so short print times are unwise.
- min_tau: 1
The minimum allowed ACT. Can be used to force a larger ACT.
- proposal_cycle: str, bilby.core.sampler.bilby_mcmc.proposals.ProposalCycle
Either a string pointing to one of the built-in proposal cycles or, a proposal cycle.
- stop_after_convergence:
If running with parallel-tempered chains. Stop updating the chains once they have congerged. After this time, random samples will be drawn at swap time.
- fixed_tau: int
A fixed value for the ACT: used for testing purposes.
- tau_window: int, None
Using tau’, a previous estimates of tau, calculate the new tau using the last tau_window * tau’ steps. If None, the entire chain is used.
- evidence_method: str, [stepping_stone, thermodynamic]
The evidence calculation method to use. Defaults to stepping_stone, but the results of all available methods are stored in the ln_z_dict.
- initial_sample_method: str
Method to draw the initial sample. Either “prior” (a random draw from the prior) or “maximize” (use an optimization approach to attempt to find the maximum posterior estimate).
- initial_sample_dict: dict
A dictionary of the initial sample value. If incomplete, will overwrite the initial_sample drawn using initial_sample_method.
- normalize_prior: bool
When False, disables calculation of constraint normalization factor during prior probability computation. Default value is True.
- verbose: bool
Whether to print diagnostic output during the run.
- __init__(likelihood, priors, outdir='outdir', label='label', use_ratio=False, skip_import_verification=True, check_point_plot=True, diagnostic=False, resume=True, exit_code=130, verbose=True, normalize_prior=True, **kwargs)[source]
- __call__(*args, **kwargs)
Call self as a function.
(likelihood, priors[, outdir, ...])add_data_to_result
(result, ptsampler, ...)calc_likelihood_count
(samples[, c])Uses the emcee.autocorr module to estimate the autocorrelation
(theta[, warning])Checks if the draw will generate an infinite prior or likelihood
([outdir, label])Get lists of the expected outputs directories and files.
([npoints])Method to draw a set of live points from the prior
Get a random draw from the prior distribution
(ptsampler, label, outdir, priors)print_ensemble_acceptance
()Prints logging info as to how nburn was calculated
(theta)Prior transform method that is passed into the external sampler.
Read the existing resume file
(*args, **kwargs)A template method to run in subclasses
([signum, frame])Make sure that if a pool of jobs is running only the parent tries to checkpoint and exit.
list: List of parameters providing prior constraints
list: List of parameter keys that are not being sampled
dict: Container for the kwargs.
int: Number of dimensions of the search parameter space
Name of keyword argument for setting the sampling for the specific sampler.
list: List of parameter keys that are being sampled
- calculate_autocorrelation(samples, c=3)[source]
Uses the emcee.autocorr module to estimate the autocorrelation
- Parameters:
- samples: array_like
A chain of samples.
- c: float
The minimum number of autocorrelation times needed to trust the estimate (default: 3). See emcee.autocorr.integrated_time.
- check_draw(theta, warning=True)[source]
Checks if the draw will generate an infinite prior or likelihood
Also catches the output of numpy.nan_to_num.
- Parameters:
- theta: array_like
Parameter values at which to evaluate likelihood
- warning: bool
Whether or not to print a warning
- Returns:
- bool, cube (nlive,
True if the likelihood and prior are finite, false otherwise
- property constraint_parameter_keys
list: List of parameters providing prior constraints
- property fixed_parameter_keys
list: List of parameter keys that are not being sampled
- classmethod get_expected_outputs(outdir=None, label=None)[source]
Get lists of the expected outputs directories and files.
These are used by
when transferring files via HTCondor.- Parameters:
- outdirstr
The output directory.
- labelstr
The label for the run.
- Returns:
- list
List of file names.
- list
List of directory names. Will always be empty for bilby_mcmc.
- get_initial_points_from_prior(npoints=1)[source]
Method to draw a set of live points from the prior
This iterates over draws from the prior until all the samples have a finite prior and likelihood (relevant for constrained priors).
- Parameters:
- npoints: int
The number of values to return
- Returns:
- unit_cube, parameters, likelihood: tuple of array_like
unit_cube (nlive, ndim) is an array of the prior samples from the unit cube, parameters (nlive, ndim) is the unit_cube array transformed to the target space, while likelihood (nlive) are the likelihood evaluations.
- get_random_draw_from_prior()[source]
Get a random draw from the prior distribution
- Returns:
- draw: array_like
An ndim-length array of values drawn from the prior. Parameters with delta-function (or fixed) priors are not returned
- property kwargs
dict: Container for the kwargs. Has more sophisticated logic in subclasses
- log_likelihood(theta)[source]
- Parameters:
- theta: list
List of values for the likelihood parameters
- Returns:
- float: Log-likelihood or log-likelihood-ratio given the current
likelihood.parameter values
- log_prior(theta)[source]
- Parameters:
- theta: list
List of sampled values on a unit interval
- Returns:
- float: Joint ln prior probability of theta
- property ndim
int: Number of dimensions of the search parameter space
- prior_transform(theta)[source]
Prior transform method that is passed into the external sampler.
- Parameters:
- theta: list
List of sampled values on a unit interval
- Returns:
- list: Properly rescaled sampled values
- read_current_state()[source]
Read the existing resume file
- Returns:
- success: boolean
If true, resume file was successfully loaded, otherwise false
- sampling_seed_key = None
Name of keyword argument for setting the sampling for the specific sampler. If a specific sampler does not have a sampling seed option, then it should be left as None.
- property search_parameter_keys
list: List of parameter keys that are being sampled
- write_current_state_and_exit(signum=None, frame=None)[source]
Make sure that if a pool of jobs is running only the parent tries to checkpoint and exit. Only the parent has a ‘pool’ attribute.
For samplers that must hard exit (typically due to non-Python process) use
that cannot be excepted. Other samplers exiting can be caught as aSystemExit